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This is House Bill 248.  Everyone should contact their Ohio House Representative and ask them to support this bill.


  • Prohibits mandatory vaccinations, vaccination status disclosures, and certain other actions regarding vaccinations.
  • Authorizes an individual to bring a civil action if the individual believes a violation has occurred and requires the court to award a prevailing plaintiff attorney's fees, compensation for court costs, and any civil penalty the court considers appropriate.
  • Names the act the Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act.


Policy Statement

The bill declares that it is the policy of Ohio that individuals have a right to direct their own health care decisions, free from coercion or penalty, and with informed consent, for themselves, their children, their family, and anyone for whom they stand in loco parentis.

Mandatory Vaccinations Prohibited

The bill prohibits any of the following from mandating, requiring, or otherwise requesting an individual to receive a vaccine:

  • A person (defined to include an individual, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, and association);
  • Public official or employee;